Arteleku is a center of contemporary art and culture and it is defined as a meeting point which puts together different artistic and cultural initiatives. That is why it was decided to develop a corporate image under the idea of “node”, as connector of different realities, groups, institutions, affiliations, individuals or companies that work on the sector of the art and culture.
Also as a starting requirement, it was necessary to combine the logotype of Arteleku and the logotype of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council, as Arteleku is a center that depends on it, even if it works with autonomy. The idea was to find certain asepsis for making possible to connect to it organizations of very diverse nature, and to allow to create a graphic map of relations.
Another interest was to create an “economical” design for sending it to print, that’s why the color was reduced to one ink and it was “synthetic”, very few graphic resources were used.
A communication campaign was also developed, due to the reopening of the center on June 21, 2002. Several acts were planned and each one had its own communication. The aim of this campaign was to make a general call to the people coming to the event. For that purpose, we took advantage of the situation, that was a general strike summoned by E.L.A. and L.A.B. trade unions on June 19 and another general strike summoned by C.C.O.O. and U.G.T. trade unions on June 20. On June 21, imitating the aesthetics of the strike we invited people to come to the events in Arteleku.
Posters were published, flyers were given away in the city and there was a pin give-away during the party. Previously a printed invitation was sent to the competent authorities and to database contacts, a series of animations was sent by email: “Cheer up to celebrate” to affect the audience in and out the environment.
A communication campaign was also developed, due to the reopening of the center on June 21, 2002. Several acts were planned and each one had its own communication. The aim of this campaign was to make a general call to the people coming to the event. For that purpose, we took advantage of the situation, that was a general strike summoned by E.L.A. and L.A.B. trade unions on June 19 and another general strike summoned by C.C.O.O. and U.G.T. trade unions on June 20. On June 21, imitating the aesthetics of the strike we invited people to come to the events in Arteleku.
Posters were published, flyers were given away in the city and there was a pin give-away during the party. Previously a printed invitation was sent to the competent authorities and to database contacts, a series of animations was sent by email: “Cheer up to celebrate” to affect the audience in and out the environment.
When: June, 2002
Where: San Sebastián
Project: Visual identity and campaign of communication for the reopening of Arteleku, Center of Art and Contemporary Culture of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council.
Working party: Amasté and Saioa Olmo.