Saioa explores processes of transaction, transfer and transition from artistic practices. He is currently working on the transactions between agents of a diverse nature (It was us), the interdependencies between generations that do not coincide in time (Whispering the future) and the logic of social machinery (Eromecánica). His projects usually take the form of performative group actions, devices for estrangement from the everyday, proposals for collective construction and installations. He experiments with participatory, collaborative processes and relational technologies.
Saioa is an artist, professor with a PhD in Fine Arts at the UPV/EHU, and a member of Wikitoki. She has carried out projects in artistic spaces such as the San Telmo Museum, CA2M and Sala Rekalde; with independent agents such as Colectivo Ant, Zas, Consonni and Abisal; within programs such as Eremuak, Conexiones Improbables and Madrid Abierto; at festivals like Iturfest, LaCosaenCasa, and Getxophoto; during residencies at Bilbaoarte, Fundación Pistoletto and Arteleku; and she has carried out a multitude of projects outside of specific competitions.