The Unidee 2009 artists in residence, decided to choose a space inside Cittadellarte for making spontaneous experiments to share with the rest of artists and with the people working in the Foundation. This way the processes in which each of us was working on would also be more visible.

I was researching about desires, and therefore I proposed to leave in that space their hidden desires and see what happened: how intense could become this space, which shapes took on these desires (carefully made or careless), how people behaved in relation to others’ desires (if they tried to open them, if they had curiosity or indifference towards them…), writing them down which expectations provoked…

Deseos ocultos

Deseos ocultos

When: from the 6th of august to de 8th of September 2009.
Where: Archspace in Cittadellarte-Pistoletto Foundation (Biella, Italia)
What: installation to express desires.
Who: proposal by Saioa Olmo carried out thanks to the participation of people in Cittadellarte. With the support of the Cultural Department of the Basque Government.