“Futurize. Imagining the society of the Future” was a seminar about aspects that have to do with to the future of the global society, and about practices that we could have taken from the individual and from the collective thing, to get the world as we want.

From topics of sustainability, micro-credits, to 100 $ computers, the Segway, banks of time, car-sharing networks, copy left movement … Is it possible another type of utopias nowadays? What influence of capacity do we have, as socials about our shared future?

In the seminar projects coming from different fields and that try to create a beneficial effect in their context, were presented. Work areas such as: the strategic planning, the sustainable design, the regional development, the creative communication, the art and the social action. These lectures were given:

  • ” KaosPilot: the best school for the world? ”
    Zulma Sofía Patarroyo,  KaosPilot (Denmark)
  • ” Explorer design ”
    Martín Ruiz de Azúa (Barcelona)
  • ” Sociales entrepreneurs: the innovation to the service of the social remains ”
    Galician Conchi, Ashoka (Madrid)
  • ” Imagination Society: a model of regional development ”
    Marisa Lozano Gil, Office of Youth Initiative of Extremadura (Merida)
  • ” Social Hardware. New mass-media and public participation ”
    Diego Soroa, Cuantics Creatives (Bilbao)
  • ” Art for the social responsible transformation ”
    Juan Esteban Sandoval Arango, The Citta of the Art (Biella – Italia)

To access the course video-recording click on here.

When: On July 16 and 17, 2007
Where: Bilbao
Project: Summer course on concrete projects with the aim to improve the environment in which we live.
Working party: Workshop inside the VIII Bilbao Art and Culture Meetings of the University of the Basque Country, directed by Saioa Olmo.
Web: http://futurize.wordpress.com